EMT Valencia
Pl. Correu Vell, 5
46001 Valencia
Tel. Oficina de Atención
al Cliente: 96 315 85 15
Implementation of night service: 7 radial routes connecting outskirts with city centre, which as a passenger hub. Service starts at 23:00 with at 40-minute intervals
Opening of the Special Disabled Service with 3 model 5081 vehicles owned by the City Council.
Route 63 launched to provide service to the Burjassot university campus from Av De Campanar (20 minutes)
Improved in customer service through launch of a telephone hotline
Increase in passengers for second consecutive year: 82,721,496
“SALTUV-MUNICIPALITY” Framework Agreement. Bases agreed by City Council-SALTUV negotiation committee for legal transformation of former Sociedad Anónima Laboral de Transportes Urbanos de Valencia (SALTUV) into a Private Municipal Company (S.P.M.)
80 new Pegasus model 6038 in service, qualitative and quantitative improvement in the service offered to Valencians
Launch of single operator system (inspector/driver) on route 7 "Mislata-Fuente de San Luis" 1978
Implementation of single price ticket
Crisis. Continued decrease in number of passengers transported: 79,740,142 kms.
New routes: 8 “Carretera Malilla", 62 accesses directly from Avda Pío XII to Carretera de Paterna and 80 “Grandes Vías"
Loss of passengers, from 102 million to 97 million. Continued increase in the use of private transport
Opening of new Camino Hondo Bus Dept facilities
Creation of the first Bus Only lanes in Valencia
SALTUV acquires VASA: launch of urban and inter-urban passenger Transport Coordination Plan
Last tram in Valencia
Inauguration of trolleybus route 5 "Interior", replacing tram 5 "Ring"
Number of employees: 1707
Implementation of new bus service: "Estación Norte Ferrocarriles-Estación Marítima," designed to facilitate transfer of passengers from the Balearic Islands to the train station for connection with Talgo train service to Madrid, and vice versa
Combined tickets created for the service of beaches
As of July 1, SALTUV takes over Transportes Urbanos de Valencia: Buses, trolleybuses and trams).
Absorption of companies CTFV (inner-city service), TURESA, TREBOL AND SOGEA
Garages, workshops and depots: Portalet (trams and buses), Trafalgar (trams and trailers) and Jesús (Unusable material)
Fleet: 176 vehicles (139 trams, 10 trolleybuses and 27 buses)
Passengers transported: 102,055,279
Kilometres travelled: 10,357,674 kms.
Founding of SALTUV, Sociedad Anónima Laboral de Transporte Urbanos de Valencia
Significant increase of private vehicles usage
Valencia Flood, CTFV suffers extensive damage
Opening of Portalet garages
CTFV in crisis. Second attempt at Transport Coordination Plan
Launch of trolleybus in Valencia, with two sections: San Vicente-Reina Doña Germana-Monteolivete, and 13, San Vicente-Reina Doña Germana-José Antonio
CTFV designs "the Valencia Metropolitan" plan for the introduction of an underground connection between the railways in the Liria area with those of Vilanova de Castelló. The project was rejected by the City Council.
Coordination Agreement: avoiding competition between urban lines. Overlapping services deleted. First attempt at Transport Coordination Plan
The CTFV takes over SOGEA and new routes launched
Start of the Spanish Civil War. CTFV seized by Labour Unions
Creation of Sociedad General de Autobuses, S.A. (SOGEA), replacing Levantina de Autobuses
Introduction of buses. Compañía de Transportes y Ferrocarriles de Valencia, (CTFV), creates a subsidiary: Valenciana de autobuses, S.A. (VASA), which acquires the intercity bus routes running parallel to the railways. Competitors CTFV and VASA join forces as Levantina de Autobuses, S.L.
End of animal-drawn public transport
Nationalisation of La Lionesa, which is converted into “Compañía de Tranvías y Ferrocarriles de Valencia” (C.T.F.V.)
New company “Compagnie Generale des Tranwais Electriques de Valence (Espagne), Societé Lyonnaise” (La Lionesa)
Transport crisis between Valencia and La General, which enters insolvency
Founding of “Compañía General de Tranvías” (La General)
Founding of “Sociedad Valenciana de Tranvías” (La Valenciana)
Concession of first tram-line to “Sociedad Catalana General de Crédito” (animal-drawn)
Routes: "Valencia el Grao" and "Interior Primitivo" (inaugurated on June 23, 1876)