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EMT Valencia

Pl. Correu Vell, 5
46001 Valencia

Tel. Oficina de Atención
al Cliente: 96 315 85 15

ISO 14001 Standard


depnorte04The Client Orientation Plan, started off by Municipal Transport Company of Valencia (EMT) on 2002, caused the beginning of the work needed to obtain the international UNE-EN ISO 14001 Standard related to Environmental Management.
During the last few years a plan of action has been designed which is basically centered on the Evaluation and Diagnosis of the environmental impact of all EMT's installations –South Depot and Central Garage, North Depot and the Social Headquarters Offices- as well as the compliance with certain work procedures and instructions; the creation of an Environmental Management System Manual and the monitorization of determined plans for the Prevention and Reduction of Residues , without forgetting one of the most important aspects which is the need to educate and involve all the company's personnel in in this process. The EMT fulfilled its commitment to certify it's "INTEGRAL MANAGEMENT OF URBAN BUS PASSENGER TRANSPORT".
The Spanish Association for Normalization and Certification (AENOR), has granted EMT the Environmental Management Certificate and the right to use the brand name AENOR for Environmental Management with nºCGM-04/522, emitted on the 14/12/2004, which proves the compliance of it's environmental managment system with the UNE-EN ISO 14001:1996.
By means of this international certification, EMT guarantees that it's management is repects the environment, that it is commited to reduce and control the environmental impact of it's installations by correctly managing liquid and solid residues, in order to contribute to preventive environmental practices, which will reduce the risks and negative impact that may harm people, the resources and the environment, by strictly complying with the current legislation.

What is the ISO 14001 Standard?

The international ISO 14001 Standard concerning environmental management has the aim of providing organizations with the necessary elements of an effective environmental management system, which can be integrated with other management requisites, in order to help companies reach their economcal and ecological goals.
Necessary requisites in order to create and keep up to date an Environmental Management System (EMS):


  • An EMS must improve the environmental behaviour of the organization.

  • Periodic revision of the EMS in order to achieve continuous improvement.

  • It must give the organization the capacity to achieve the self-imposed level of environmental behaviour.

  • Liberty and flexibility of the organization to define the limits of it's EMS.

  • The ISO 14001Standard contains the requisites for the management system.

  • The EMS must give the organization the capacitate for:

a) The establishment of an appropriate environmental policy.

b) The identification of environmental issues.

c) The identification of applicable legal and statutory aspects.

d) The identification of priorities and the definition of environmental objectives and goals.

e) Establishment of a structure and a program.

f) The act of facilitating the planning, control, monitorization, corrective actions, testing and revision.

g) The ability to adapt to changing circumstances.


Certification is the process of verifying the compliance of all the requisites of the norm which must be under taken by accredited certification organisms.
Reasons to certify your EMS:


  • It's a test of evaluation and compliance.

  • It facilitates the process of obtaining international and public contracts.

  • It's a visible sign of environmental commitment.

  • It facilitates the maintenance and continuous improvement of the EMS due to the periodic Evaluation.

Implantation at the EMT

The implantation of the environmental management ISO 14001 Standard at the EMT, apart from accrediting that the company uses a structure to control the environmental impact of it's installations, activities and services in a city such as Valencia, also offers a few more advantages, such as:


  • It improves the image of the company for the surronding community, the employees and public administration by guaranteeing a series of control and supervision tests of it's installations, processes and products.

  • Prevents environmental pollution that the service the company offers may produce.

  • Clients detect that the company is also worried about the environment.

  • Improves the impression of the image of the company as modern, mature and efficient organization.

  • Increases the control of the company's processes concerning consumption, residue generation, legal controls, etc.

  • Integrates environmental management with the global management of the company.

  • Puts in order and facilitates the compliance of formal and material obligations demanded by applicable environmental legislation and adaptation to possible changes.

  • Optimizes the investments and derived costs of implanting corrective measures. Facilitates access to economic grants or funding for environmental protection (LIFE Project, awards, etc).

  • Increases the confidence in your company for legislators, insurance companies, clients and citizens in general.

  • Allows the development of products and technology, the optimization of electronic energy consumption, regeneration of used oil, treatment and re-use of residual water, etc.

  • Improves the active internal end external image of the company.

  • Incentivates the growing social concern for environmental matters.

Certification Process

January 2002

  • Start of the Environmental Management Project.

  • Environmental review of San Isidro.

July 2002

  • Signing of the commitment with the Environmental Police.

  • Expansion to all of the installations of the company.

February 2003

  • Environmental review of the North Depot.

  • Instruction starts for the entire company's personnel.

May 2003

  • The green points of the North Depot start working.

October 2003

  • Environmental Emergency drill.

November 2003

  • The green points of the South Depot and the Central Garage of San Isidro start to work.

March 2004

  • First environmental action instructions.

  • Selective collection at Central offices.

May 2004

  • First procedures.

  • Environmental Management Manual.

  • The Environmental Policy is published on the website.

  • The Environmental leaflet is handed out to the employees.

June 2004

  • The project is presented to Directive Committee.

  • The Environmental Management Program is approved.

  • Suggestion boxes.

September 2004

  • Internal review.

  • Preview for AENOR.

  • Certification review.

December 2004



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