EMT Valencia
Pl. Correu Vell, 5
46001 Valencia
Tel. Oficina de Atención
al Cliente: 96 315 85 15
EMT Valencia, in one more of it's investments in the environment and sustainable development, actively participates in the LIFE-Medio Ambiente Tragamóvil Project , which consists of: "Implanting an integrated system of management of mobile phone residues".
This project advances and facilitates the aplication of the "producer responsability" and "shared responsability" principles that are specified in the Electric and Electronic Equipment Residue Directive.
The project is led by ASIMELEC and all the economic agents involved participate in it. During communications design period, it was decided that a bus called the TRAGAMOVIL AMBIENBUS Bus would tour the cities of Spain as a pilot projet to promote the campaign. This bus will incorporate a small container in which passengers may place used phones. In it's interior it also contained informative elements (television, video, etc) used to explain the recycling process and showing the elements in which the phones become once the process is over. By doing this the EMT also participates in peoples environmental education, which is another of the projects main aims. This is how EMT Valencia shows it's constant support to save the environment, by participating in the enterprise of recollecting mobile phones.
EMT Valencia, which found out about ASIMELEC's enterprise through the work of the "Concejalía de Relaciones Institucionales del Ayuntamiento de Valencia", has shown great interest in the Tragamovil project, and being conscious of the need for it's support, has declared it's will to actively participate in the selective collection of mobile phones. EMT Valencia's collaboration consists in loaning one of it's busses which was in need of renovation, in order for ASIMELEC to make use of it's information and collection campaign through out the City of Valencia giving normal service on EMT lines. Once this period has finished, EMT Valencia will hand over the bus to ASIMELEC, which will keep using the bus in other municipalities till the Tragamovil projects time period is over. By doing this, various objectives are reached: the collection of mobile phones, the promotion of the project and giving the citizens environmental education.