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EMT Valencia

Pl. Correu Vell, 5
46001 Valencia

Tel. Oficina de Atención
al Cliente: 96 315 85 15

Geographical Location


Geographical Location

Point: Base of the Miguelete Tower
Altitude: 15 m.
Longitude: 0º 22' 28" W of the Greenwich Meridian
3º 18' 42" E of the Madrid meridian
Latitude: 39º 28' 36" N


Area and Population

The municipal area of Valencia is 135 kilometres squared. The province of Valencia is 10,763 km squared. The Valencian Community is 23,305 km squared.

It has a population of 750,000 inhabitants. If the surrounding areas are included it reaches 1.3 million inhabitants.


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Web Turismo Valencia