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EMT Valencia

Pl. Correu Vell, 5
46001 Valencia

Tel. Oficina de Atención
al Cliente: 96 315 85 15

How to get here

The city of Valencia is located on the Spanish Mediterranean coast, on a plain next to the river Turia, and surrounded by small mountains which rarely reach over 100 metres in altitude.

Its location, transportation network and its status as the third biggest city in Spain makes it a very attractive international destination.

By Air

aeropuerto2Valencia airport is located 8 kilometres to the west of the city and links to it are frequent via bus, metro and taxi. For information call: +34





By Train

ave_tren2Located in the city centre, the Estación del Norte train station represents the entrance point for Valencia for all those who wish to use the train to visit us.

The Estación del Norte receives not only local trains that enable travel around the surrounding area but also more trains that link Valencia with Madrid and Barcelona or other major European cities.

Joaquín Sorolla Station is the terminus interim high-speed rail in the city of Valencia. Double compositions, high-speed trains and long distance.

There is a constant connection with EMT bus links and the metro.


By Boat

portThe Port of Valencia, despite being a major player in the transport of general cargo for industrial purposes, also has a strong maritime connection with the Balearic Islands and, for a long time now, has represented an important stop-off for cruise ship tourism in the Mediterranean.

The city is well-linked with the Port via its EMT bus routes and the tram service.



By Road

carreteraThe motorway AP-7, which runs from North to South along the Levante coastline, serves as a connection to the network of European motorways, as well as with the motorways A-23 Sagunto-Somport and A-3 Madrid-Valencia. The majority of passenger transport services that operate in Valencia begin or end their journey at the Bus Station.



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Web Turismo Valencia