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EMT Valencia

Pl. Correu Vell, 5
46001 Valencia

Tel. Oficina de Atención
al Cliente: 96 315 85 15

Social Headquarters

instalaciones01The first stone of the EMT's social headquarters was placed on the 10th of March 1998. It is located at Plaza Correo Viejo, number 5 and has converted into a reality the rehabilitation project for the building that was handed over to the EMT by the municipal corporation complying with what was decided by the Government Commission on the 26th of April 1996 in order to locate all the company's different areas in one central office.

The offices were moved to the new headquarters in 2002. The project is divided in two blocks:

  • Building at the Plaza Correo Viejo, 5, the old "Palacio del Barón de Santa Bárbara".

  • The grounds located at Calle Mendoza, and that are next to the other block and the buildings corresponding with numbers 5 and 7 that are also municipal and have been handed over to the EMT.


Historical characteristics of the building

instalaciones02The building was attributed to the Baron of Santa Barbera, through a quote from Teodoro Llorente in the book "Mi Valencia de Otros Tiempos" (My Valencia from Another Time), which identifies the third Baron as the owner of the building. Furthermore by looking at the building's layout created by Tomás Vicente Tosca, one can confirm that the building was constructed after 1738 (the date that is contained on the plan explaining when it was designed), since the date of construction does not appear on the building.The buildings configuration is in line with that of the traditional palace structure, which since the gothic era had been common in the homes of Valencia's aristocrats. This configuration has suffered certain modifications throughout the years. The current look of the building is due to actions taken place between 1750 and 1800. At the end of the XIX century the building was renovated in order to modernize it, and during the 1950's the last changes took place in order to convert it's top floors into a National College.When it comes to the finish of the building, certain elements stand out, such as the paintings found amongst the beams in one of the halls of the main floor, the carpentry and the fittings dating back to the XIX century.


The building's composition and program of needs

instalaciones03The different halls and rooms of the building will host the company's offices located in the various halls and rooms based as suits their function. The program has been developed in order that the allocated zones suit the different characteristics of the space available:

  • The building at Correo Viejo, which is set to be the headquarters for Company Management.

  • The planned building at Mendoza, which will host the central offices and is designed to have large spaces taking into account certain aspects such as functional versatility, accessibility, the flow of users and employee comfort.

The constructed area covers a total of a 3.237,84 m2.



Key measurements


FLOORSNet Usable AreaConstruted Area
SEMI-BASEMENT 346,57 m2 437,44 m2
GROUND FLOOR 240,61 m2 317,51 m2
FIRST FLOOR 316,88 m2 378,21 m2
FIRST FLOOR LOFT 80,44 m2 105,12 m2
SECOND FLOOR 264,70 m2 392,52 m2
TOTAL 1.249,20 m2 1.567,80 m2

MENDOZA 5 and 7 

FLOORSNet Usable AreaConstruted Area
GROUND FLOOR 282,48 m2 298,47 m2
FIRST FLOOR 284,87 m2 298,47 m2
SECOND FLOOR 283,64 m2 298,47 m2
THIRD FLOOR 286,74 m2 298,47 m2
FOURTH FLOOR 279,58 m2 298,47 m2
"CASETÓN" 34,71 m2 49,66 m2
TOTAL 1.451,42 m2 1.670,04 m2