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SALTUV (1964-1972)

saltuvOn the first of July 1964, SALTUV took charge of Valencia's urban transport. Its impact on the employment sector at that time could be considered a milestone since it was the first Spanish company in which the workers were also the owners. This model was exported to other provinces (Almería, Palma de Mallorca, Las Palmas). SALTUV was run by the general board of share holders, the board of directors and management. Its initial capital was of 60,000,000 pesetas divided in 12,000 shares. Each employee had 2 shares and the rest were for FULTUV. SALTUV had to recycle its staff, elaborating a 5 year plan which allowed 1000 tram drivers to drive busses.

When the SALTUV began working, on the 1st of July 1964, it counted on 1725 employees and it's fleet included 172 trams, 79 trailers, 8 Vetra trolley busses and 71 busses (40 Pegaso 5020 A and 31 built by other manufacturers).

In 1965, 23 Pegaso model 5020 busses were bought; On the 8th of October tram line 8 stopped running and on the 21st of November line 27 started.

saltuv02In 1966, 27 model 6035 and 5 model 5062-B units arrived which provoked the retirement of series 100 and 200 trams. In 1967, 51 Pegaso busses and 12 Vetra Berliet trolley busses were purchased. Tram lines 9, 11 and 16 were replaced by busses. SALTUV participates in the Valencia 1957-1967 exhibition.

"In three years, from the creation and start of SALTUV, the tram network had been very small, Service was maintained on the five lines which were in the best state and only 50 trams remained in service: nº1. Serranos-Malvarrosa; nº2. Germanías-Malvarrosa; nº3. Germanías-Nazaret; nº4. Serranos-Nazaret; nº 5. Circunvalación (Inmaculada Aguilar Civera, Valencia Tranvía. 1874-2004).

In 1968, 9 Pegaso 5062 Comet model and 7 6035 model busses arrived. 12 Vetra-Berliet trolley busses were renovated. Line 29 (5th of march) and 62 (3rd of November) were inaugurated.
In 1969, the new FULTUV and Centre of Calculation facilities in the "Calle de la Floresta" were inaugurated. This is the year in which the city received the best attention when it came to transport even though it was still far from the level expected by the SALTUV.

In 1970, with the arrival of 47 trolley busses from Barcelona's transport service, trams disappeared off the streets of Valencia. Line 28 linked the North and South bus stations. That same year, SALTUV was elected as company of the year by the Spanish Government and in order to commemorate its 5th anniversary it published a book "SALTUV: la Empresa Comunal. Una experiencia española de socialización" (SALTUV: the communal company. A Spanish experience of socialization). On the 5th of February line 30 started running, in which for the first time the unique agent system was used. On the 1'st of April the Aben al Abbar offices were opened.
In 1971, SALTUV bought 12 Pegaso 6035 model busses, 2 of which were articulated. In 1972 SALTUV took over VASA in an attempt to confirm its domain over urban and inter-urban transport. In May, the first twelve shelters were installed at bus stops throughout the city. These were the company's most successful years but that would soon change.


The VASA Take Over.

On the 25th of January 1972 and at the SALTUV facilities, the employment minister, Licinio de la Fuente, handed over a check worth 80,000,000 pesetas, which was the loan the "Fondo Nacional de Protección al Trabajo" (National Fund for Protecting Employment) had agreed to give the SALTUV in order to buy out VASA. The total cost of the operation was 205,000,000 pesetas.
VASA at the time ran the following lines: Vedat de Torrente-Valencia, Campo de Aviación-Valencia, Manises-Valencia, Paterna-Valencia, Gestalgar-Valencia and Garbí-Valencia.

The second transport crisis (1973)

saltuv07The privately owned car invaded the streets of Valencia and public transport companies were affected by this, they had no support from municipal law and therefore had difficulties offering their services. The impact of the Petrol Crisis in 1973 made the situation worse and the company closed the financial year with a negative balance for the first time. Despite this, the company inaugurated lines 32 and 27 and lines 8A and 8B where replaced by lines 80 and 81. That same year, SALTUV bought out SALTUIS and presented 15 Pegaso busses (6 models 6035 for SALTUV and 9 belonging to the 6035/5 and 5023 CL models for VASA). SALTUV's fleet reached 238 vehicles and VASA's fleet reached 84. 


resenasaltuv01"Strikes like all weapons are instruments that are difficult and delicate to handle. Strikes used as weapons are normally hidden away until the use of all other resources has been useless. The workers of SALTUV, and the SALTUV company itself, which in this case, is the same thing, decided to go on strike yesterday leaving Valencia without urban public transport for five hours. Has SALTUV made a mistake? That decision must me made by the citizens of Valencia. Yesterday some citizens applauded the decision where as others detested it. Only time will tell if politically, tactically and when it comes to popularity SALTUV has made the right decision". (Newspaper Las Provincias, 20-12-75).

 In 1974, the council adopted measures in order to favour public transport.

In 1974 the Portalet wall, which separated the facilities of SALTUV and VASA, was knocked down and at the same time asphalt was laid. Lines 17 and 69 were inaugurated and the Bus-Lane was created. 20 new Pegaso busses arrived at Valencia, 4 of which were for VASA. This company also inaugurated a new line, which linked Paiporta with the capital city.

The relationship between Valencia's Council which was run by Miguel Ramon Izquierdo and SALTUV began to spoil itself due to the fact that he would not give recognition to the debt the company undertook in order to overcome its financial deficit. The situation ended up producing Valencia's first transport strike on the 19th of December 1975. The strike was not well received by the public in Valencia. Despite the difficult situation new busses were acquired, to be exact 7 new 6035 model busses increased the number of units in the fleet.

In June 1976, there was another strike therefore prompting busses belonging to private companies to go out on the streets of Valencia to offer a service. Within 24 hours the situation went back to normal. Lines 8 and 80 began running and at the end of the financial year there were 17 Pegaso model 6025 busses and 54 model 6050 busses.

Line 5 started running only in one direction and on the 22nd of June trolley busses stopped running.

The arrival of democracy to Spain didn't offer any new perspectives for the improvement of the company's situation. The difficult situation for transport in Valencia was similar to other cities in Spain and the government, which at that time was run by the UCD, began work on a Transport Law. Meanwhile the other political parties (Partido Socialista Obrero Español, Alianza Popular and Partido Comunista de España) also started planning their own models for transport. New ways of thinking represented by political parties and trade unions (CCOO, UGT, AOA, CGT y USO) were beginning to appear inside SALTUV's core.


The last trolley bus

"On the 22nd of this month, the last trolley busses which were still giving service on line 5 ("INTERIOR") were replaced. They made way for the new busses incorporated to our fleet. This closes a new chapter in our history wich culminated in the ceremony which had the Mayor of Valencia, Miguel Ramón Izquierdo, at the head, being flanked by Pery and Larruy and who were informed by our members Bolado, Yarza, Alcaraz y Roses, who facilitated the lines details."
(Magacine SALTUV INFORMACIÓN, june of 1976).

In 1977 their was an obvious descent in the amount of passengers.

In 1977, Salvador Sánchez Ruiz as the manager replaced Macario Bolado. From that date, till the company became municipal, the company's board of directors would find itself in a constant state of instability. Luis Miguel Sánchez Carboneras, Joaquín Roldán Gallego and Andrés Jiménez Collado, alternate at the roll of president of the board of directors during this period.

Fares where not increased sufficiently in order to guarantee SALTUV's future. The fleet of vehicles became old due to the lack of resources that could allow for renewal and due to this the amount of passengers unavoidably descended.

Track to becoming municipal (1979-1985)

saltuv11Social forces began accepting the fact that public transport, by definition, is an essential activity, which is destined to lose a lot of money due to the political character of its fares and the need to attend zones that aren't economically profitable, but who also have the right to be given this service. In 1979, it was decided that a Mixed Committee should be created in order to negotiate with Valencia's Council in order to obtain a final solution through municipal coordination. The conversion of SALTUV into a municipal company began to take shape.

With the entry of the "Partido Socialista Obrero Español" (Spanish Socialist Labour Party) in Valencia's Council, the company's relationship with the council improved, which allowed for the signing of an agreement between the Council and the SALTUV (Acuerdo Marco Ayuntamiento-SALTUV (AMAS)) on the 31st of July 1980. Meanwhile the process of become municipal was still being negotiated. The council took on the company's losses and adopted measures in order to improve the service. Some of these measures included renovating the network and acquiring 118 Pegaso model 6038 busses. These busses would join the fleet during the following three years. In 1982, Miguel Molina Samos was hired as the new manager of SALTUV replacing Salvador Sánchez Ruiz. Lines 89 and 90 started running and SALTUV participated in the organization of the Soccer World Cup and Pope John Paul II' visit.


New Tickets.

During November 1982, the bonobús replaced the "abono de diez viajes" (ten trip pass). It's cost was of 200 pesetas, whereas the normal ticket 's cost was 25 pesetas.In 1983, The "Tarjeta Roja" (Red Card) started working, with unlimted trips for the monthly price of 1600 pesetas. The pensioner card was being sold at the symbolical price of 1000 pesetas yearly.

saltuv14In order to help out with the damage caused by the floods in the Rivera region, during the month of October, the company's vehicles where made available to the affected villages, to which many of the company's employees travelled without expecting any economical reward with the aim of helping to clean up the area. With the arrival of all the 118 busses acquired in 1980, the fleet reached 309 vehicles. In 1983, 2 members of the municipal consistory, Pedro Zamora Suárez (PCE) and José Antonio Cabrera Gonzálbez (PSPV), formed part of the board of directors for the first time in history, in order to fiscalize the behaviour of the maximum organ of control of the company.

In 1984, improvements introduced in SALTUV showed results and passengers increased 3.41% (85.541.001 passengers). In September of 1984, José Jara Moreno, became manager substituting Miguel Molina Samos.

In April 1985 night service (7 lines with origin in Plaza País Valenciano) and line 20 (summer) started. The especial service for disable people (3 Pegaso buses, model: 5081) started the first of july.

saltuv13Later, line 63 also started (Campus de Burjassot) and Trafalgar depot was closed.
Collective bargaining process lead to an indefinite strike which did not respect minimum services. On 3rd May, service was re-established. The municipalisation process got to an end. There was only one problem: VASA, which seemed to be nearly solved after the proposal of creating a committee for interurban transport. Finally, other 37 buses (Pegaso model: 6038) were added to the fleet which increase to 320 units.

Miguel Molina Jara Moreno and José Samos, were managers that led SALTUV to his municipalization.


About the municipalisation.

"From the different Management models known, creating a MUNICIPAL TRANSPORT COMPANY, seems to be the best option. This implies an immediate relationship between Corporation Municipal with the company that provides the service. Improvements in the public transport can become true through the renovation of buses and other traffic measures that will improve the chaotic situation we are in. As an example we could mention the priority in the bus line, motivation to use collective transport, etc. Political measures are basic solutions, financial solutions come second as they also serve as redistribution factor" (Message from the president of Consejo de Administración de SALTUV (SALTUV Administration Committee), Andrés Jiménez Collado, in the annual report of 1985).

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